Herein modifiers are described, including those that are not wrapped into their own distinct functions, instead being implemented as internal conditionals at execution.
ConfigFlags check
A few times the function ConfigFlags.check
is invoked to check whether a certain flag is true. This is done by storing a predefined library of possible flags and taking bitwise AND between the given flag and the provided config byte.
ConfigFlags code
Wrapped modifiers
Modifiers herein listed are wrapped in distinct functions.
This is a modifier on the agent ownership (incorporated via inheritance from the well-known Ownable.sol) which is used to keep unauthorized users from performing important function calls (slashing, agent parameter modification, accumulated fee withdrawal).
Usage scope (functions in main contract)
This is a modifier on job ownership (incorporated via a custom jobkey-owner mapping) used to prevent unauthorized users from changing the settings of the job or withdrawing credits from its balance. Mind that they are still allowed to deposit credits therein, though).
Usage scope (functions in main contract)
This is a modifier that checks whether the calling user is an Admin of the supplied keeper (incorporated via a custom keeperId-admin mapping) in order to prevent unauthorized users to change the parameters of a keeper or withdraw some of the CVP stake. Mind that withdrawal of native-token compensation uses a laxer version of this modifier, described in the next subsection.
Usage scope (functions in main contract)
This is a modifier that checks whether the calling user is an Admin or Worker of the supplied keepers (incorporated via a custom keeperId-admin mapping and Keeper data structure, respectively; in both cases an object, address
or Keeper struct, is associated via some mapping with the keeperId), being a laxer version of the preceding one. In the base contract, it has the only use of providing pre-compensation withdrawal checks.
Usage scope (functions in main contract)
This checks whether a keeper with a given ID exists at all by comparing the ID supplied with the ID of the latest registered keeper, since keepers are enumerated in order. Used to prevent staking to a non-existent keeper.
Usage scope (functions in main contract)
This checks that a worker with a given address is not already extant. Used to prevent setting two different keepers to have the same address.
Usage scope (functions in main contract)
Asserts that the amount supplied is not zero. Used to cut off cases of attempts to invoke the deposition or withdrawal operator in a trivial setting.
Usage scope (functions in main contract)
Similar to the preceding assertion, but for functions with the payable
property instead (i.e. differs in that the amount is not passed explicitly, but rather inferred from the message value). Used to perform the same check for payable functions (e.g. credit deposition in native tokens).
Usage scope (functions in main contract)
Asserts that the calldatasource field of the provided (by key) job is in concord with the specified source. Used to check that a job for which a type-specific property is set actually belongs to that type.
Usage scope (functions in main contract)
Asserts that the provided maxBaseFeeGwei_
is nonzero, and that the fixed and dynamic parts of the reward (given correspondingly by the parameters fixed_reward_
and rewardPcts_
) is not zero, i.e., the components thereof are not zero simultaneously.
Usage scope (functions in main contract)
Asserts that the provided (by key) job is either of RESOLVER
type AND does not have intervals or not of RESOLVER
type AND has nonzero interval
size specified.
Usage scope (functions in main contract)
Ad-hoc modifiers
Modifiers listed hereafter are not wrapped in distinct functions of their own, being instead implemented as ad-hoc logic inside of the functions that utilise them, and are listed under the provisional names given by us.
Asserts that the user other than a pending owner can not accept the job transfer.
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in main contract)
Asserts that after the fee (specified by the Agent parameter feePpm
) has been deducted, the final balance after depositing additional tokens does not overflow the type used to store it (uint88
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in main contract)
Asserts that for the newly registered job, the initial token balance does not overflow the type used to store it (uint88
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in main contract)
Asserts that after the ID of a newly registered job does not overflow the uint24
variable used to store it. Employed at registration, though it is unlikely that any owner ever registers type(uint24).max
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in main contract)
Asserts that the initial job credit deposit does not overflow the uint88 value used to store it. Registration analogue of other deposit checkers.
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in main contract)
Asserts that the job address provided in the registration parameters is extant and nonzero.
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in main contract)
Asserts that the specified calldata source is within the [0;2] range, since they are encoded by the first three nonnegative integers (SELECTOR, PRE_DEFINED, RESOLVER in that exact order).
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in main contract)
Asserts that the specified job address does not correspond to the CVP token or the Agent instance in order to prevent possible arbuses.
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in main contract)
Asserts that the message sender that invokes execute_44g58pv
is the keeper authorised to do so (checked via bytes reserved for technical variables in execute
calldata). Enforces compliance with the selection made.
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in main contract)
Asserts that the message sender that invokes execute_44g58pv
has at least the minimal stake demanded by the global level set by the Agent. Ensures a keeper has stake to slash even if the job does not specify any demands in this regard.
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in main contract)
Asserts that the invoked job is active and therefore potentially executable.
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in main contract)
Asserts that the keeper invoking execute_44g58pv
has sufficient amount of stake with respect to the demands made by the job, given such demands.
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in main contract)
Asserts that if the job being executed is of one of two interval types, at least a full interval duration has elapsed since this job was last executed.
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in main contract)
Asserts that the message sender invoking execute_44g58pv
is an externally-owned address (i.e. not an automatic contract).
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in main contract)
The _calldata_source_within_0_2_assertion only makes sure the calldata numerical value is betwen 0 and 2. It will normally coincide with one of the three defined job types (SELECTOR, PRE_DEFINED, RESOLVER), but in a hypothetical case when this does not occur for any reason whatsoever, we need a catcher to raise an error.
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in main contract)
Asserts that the job has enough credits to cover the keeper's reward for executing it.
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in main contract)
This modifier asserts that the block base gas fee is either not in excess of the job-specified limit or accepted anyway by the appropriately configured flag FLAG_ACCEPT_MAX_BASE_FEE_LIMIT
passed along with the execute call in the config
calldata byte.
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in main contract)
In some cases, job reverts will give traceback messages. Occasionally, however, they will give no traceback, and both occasion need to be handled properly. This code provides such a functionality. It is not properly a modifier, since it does not condition execution of anything and merely serves as an error handler, but we include it here on the basis of collecting on one page all revert-capable routines.
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in main contract)
Asserts that the job owner has enough credits to cover the keeper's reward for executing it. Is only invoked when the CFG_USE_JOB_OWNER_CREDITS
job config flag is set to True
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in main contract)
Asserts that the job owner has enough credits to cover the keeper's reward for executing it. Is only invoked when the CFG_USE_JOB_OWNER_CREDITS
job config flag is set to True
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in main contract)
Asserts that the address of the supplied resolver is extant (i.e. nonzero).
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in main contract)
Asserts that the job for which credits are deposited has an owner (i.e. the owner is not a zero address).
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in main contract)
Asserts that the job/job owner has enough credits (in native chain tokens) to withdraw the specifeid amount.
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in main contract)
Asserts that the registering keeper has a sufficient initial deposit value to stake at least the minKeeperCvp
value demanded by the Agent parameter of the same name.
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in main contract)
Asserts that a keeper has accrued enough compensation in native chain tokens to withdraw the specified amount.
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in main contract)
Asserts that, should the provided stake amount be added to the extant stake, the resultant value shall not exceed the maximal value admitted by the type uint88
, which is used to store stakes.
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in main contract)
Asserts that the amount of CVP stake the keeper wishes to withdraw is at least sufficient to compensate the totality of the slashed stake penalty he has accrued by now.
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in main contract)
Asserts that the amount of CVP stake the keeper wishes to withdraw is not in excess of the totality of his stake.
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in main contract)
Asserts that the time delay between the keeper calling initiateRedeem
and finalizeRedeem
is not exceeded by the Agent-specified constant pendingWithdrawalTimeoutSeconds
, i.e. that at least the minimum demanded time has elapsed since the stake redemption was initiated.
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in main contract)
Asserts that the keeper whose stake is being withdrawn actually has any stake pending withdrawal; i.e. that it is not attempted to finalise redemption of zero stake.
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in main contract)
Asserts that the timeout parameter pendingWithdrawalTimeoutSeconds
provided by the Agent instance owner is not in excess of a constant global cap on this value MAX_PENDING_WITHDRAWAL_TIMEOUT_SECONDS
. This parameter is responsible for setting the minimal time delay between initiating and finalising redemption of staked CVP tokens by keepers.
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in main contract)
Asserts that the timeout parameter feePpm
provided by the Agent instance owner is not in excess of a constant global cap on this value MAX_FEE_PPM
. This parameter governs the fee the Agent exacts from all
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in main contract)
Asserts that if the job is of the RESOLVER
type, the calldata passed to execute_44g58pv
contains nonempty calldata after byte number 31 to be passed to the function being automated.
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in main contract)
Asserts that, provided the corresponding flag (CFG_ASSERT_RESOLVER_SELECTOR
, which toggles checks of resolver selector coincidence) is specified, the resolver selector in the keeper-provided calldata matches the resolver selector contained in the Job
binary representation.
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in main contract)
RanDAO realisation-specific modifiers
All RanDAO realisation-specific modifiers are ad-hoc.
Asserts that a keeper has enough stake to be slashed. This should always be the case, since the fixed stake slash amount is capped at 50% of the minimal Agent-wide admissible stake, and the dynamic part must not exceed 50% of the actual keeper stake (imposed via a cap on bps).
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in RanDAO contract)
Asserts that when a slasher attempts to execute an interval job (which necessarily leads to the assigned keeper being slashed), he does so when the grace period has elapsed. Resolver jobs have their own assertion.
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in RanDAO contract)
Asserts that when a slasher attempts to execute a resolver job (which necessarily leads to the assigned keeper being slashed), he does so when the grace period has elapsed. Interval jobs have their own assertion.
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in RanDAO contract)
Asserts that a keeper of a resolver job shall not be released (i.e. unassigned from execution) while slashing is not initialised (unless by job owner, in which case release is unconditional).
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in RanDAO contract)
Asserts that a keeper shall not be activated unless a specified Agent-wide time interval has passed since his activation was initialised.
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in RanDAO contract)
Asserts that a keeper of a job shall not be released (i.e. unassigned from execution) until the lock-up period (defined as the sum of period1
and period2
, where period1
corresponds to the grace period, period2
corresponds to the slashing reservation period, also called admissibility period, and both are set by the Agent owner as global parameters) has elapsed since the execution was made possible (for interval jobs) or slashing was initialised (for resolver jobs; largely equivalent to execution being made possible if slashers are rational). Once again, does not apply to release by job owner, which is unconditional.
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in RanDAO contract)
Technical modifier made to obtain a function that always reverts to perform checks without introducing state changes (checkCouldBeExecuted
). Corresponds to the case of the job not being executable at call.
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in RanDAO contract)
Technical modifier made to obtain a function that always reverts to perform checks without introducing state changes (checkCouldBeExecuted
). Corresponds to the case of the job being executable at call.
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in RanDAO contract)
Asserts that slashing will not be reinitialised until the admissibility period of the previous slashing instance thereof has expired. Has the meaning of giving the slasher who initiates slashing a period during which he is the sole actor capable of slashing the keeper, in the same vein as the keeper is given a grace period for execution, since re-initation does not necessarily assign the same slasher.
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in RanDAO contract)
Asserts that when slashing is initiated, the resolver job for which it is done can actually be executed (in actuality, this check is done in two stage, and this is the first one, ensuring the resolver did not revert).
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in RanDAO contract)
Asserts that when slashing is initiated, the resolver job for which it is done can actually be executed (in actuality, this check is done in two stage, and this is the second one, ensuring th resolver returns True
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in RanDAO contract)
Asserts that slashing is not initated for interval jobs, since for them it has no meaning (their execution possibility timestamps are known in advance).
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in RanDAO contract)
Normally checkCouldBeExecuted
reverts either with JobCheckCanBeExecuted
or with JobCheckCanNotBeExecuted
. However, in the unlikely case a third error is returned, differing in selector from both, this handler throws an exception.
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in RanDAO contract)
Normally checkCouldBeExecuted
reverts either with JobCheckCanBeExecuted
or with JobCheckCanNotBeExecuted
. However, in the unlikely case it does not revert at all, this handler throws an exception.
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in RanDAO contract)
Ensures that an already inactive keeper is not deactivated.
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in RanDAO contract)
Ensures that an already active keeper is not activated.
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in RanDAO contract)
Ensures that at slashing initiation the initiating slasher (who is then stored as the only slasher able to execute the job at keeper failure) is not the assigned keeper (i.e. no one can slash themselves).
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in RanDAO contract)
Ensures that at revert of a resolver job the keeper is not released if slashing has not yet been initiated. This has the meaning of blocking a keeper's ability to be released from a job they do not wish to execute by calling it when it is not yet executable and obtaining release through a revert handler.
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in RanDAO contract)
Ensures that when a slasher calls a resolver job, slashing was initiated beforehand. Overlaps with _is_reserved_slasher_assertion
, since the reserved slasher is a zero address until slashing is initiated.
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in RanDAO contract)
Ensures that when a slasher calls a resolver job, slashing was initiated beforehand. Overlaps with _is_reserved_slasher_assertion
, since the reserved slasher is a zero address until slashing is initiated.
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in RanDAO contract)
Ensures that when a slasher calls a resolver job, he does so after slashing has been made possible (i.e. the grace period elapsed)
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in RanDAO contract)
Ensures that when a slasher calls a resolver job, he is the slasher earmarked for doing so (i.e. he is the one who initiated slashing in the first place).
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in RanDAO contract)
Ensures that when a slasher calls an interval job or initiates resolver job slashing, he is the slasher earmarked for doing so at the current time (i.e. the getSlasherIdByBlock
returns his ID). Distinct from the preceding modifier because there are no reserved slashers for interval jobs (no initiation process, either) and at slashing initialisation the reserved slasher is a null value.
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in RanDAO contract)
Ensures that when an attempt is made to disable the keeper or initiate redemption of part of the stake thereof, the keeper can be released (i.e. has no jobs pending).
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in RanDAO contract)
Ensures that when an attempt is made to initiate slashing, the slasher is an active keeper.
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in RanDAO contract)
Ensures that when an attempt is made to change the inverse of the global stake scaling coefficient for the purposes of computing compensation (see Copy of Task Reward and Gas Compensation), it is nonzero.
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in RanDAO contract)
Ensures that when an attempt is made to change the global dynamic slash coefficient in basis points of the current stake (see Slashing), it is not in excess of 50%.
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in RanDAO contract)
Ensures that when an attempt is made to change the global fixed slashing fee (see Slashing), it is not in excess of 50% of the Agent-wide minimal Keeper stake. Together with the preceding modifier ensure that a keeper is slashed for at most 100% of their stake.
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in RanDAO contract)
Ensures that when an attempt is made to change the global parameter period2
, which corresponds to the length of the time interval for which a job is not considered overdue (and e.g. cannot have slashing re-initiated; during that time the reserved/current keeper is the only person allowed to perform slashing), it is at least 15 seconds, so at least one block plus some reserve.
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in RanDAO contract)
Ensures that when an attempt is made to change the global parameter period1
, which corresponds to the length of the grace period during which execution (and therefore slashing, if we assume Slashers are optimal actors) is possible, but cannot be done yet to give the keeper a chance to execute the job, it is at least 15 seconds, so at least one block plus some reserve.
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in RanDAO contract)
Ensures that when an attempt is made to change the global parameter slashingEpochBlocks
, which corresponds to the length of the slashing epoch, defined as the time interval during which the only sources of slasher variability are the job keys and possible shrinkage of the active keeper set, it is at least 3 blocks.
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in RanDAO contract)
Ensures that when an attempt is made by a job owner to assign a keeper for a job, the job does not have a keeper assigned already.
Code of the assertion
Usage scope (functions in RanDAO contract)
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