❓I Want to Become a Keeper

Instructions to register a keeper and install the software

To become a keeper, you have to do the following:

  1. Register a keeper in the PowerAgent contract;

  2. Install the PowerAgent software;

  3. Activate the keeper in the PowerAgent contract.

Keeper registration

Keeper registration, activation, management, stake deposit and withdrawal, compensation withdrawal are done via PowerAgent DApp.

To register a new keeper, follow the instructions below:

  1. Navigate to the PowerAgent Web UI for Sepolia or Gnosis.

  2. Press “Connect” and connect with your Admin wallet.

  3. Press the “Create Keeper” button:

  4. Select the most recent agent version. Press the “Create Keeper” button at the bottom:

  5. In the keeper creation pop-up window, specify the amount of CVP to stake (no less than 1000) and the Worker address which you created beforehand:

  6. An “Unlock” button will light up. Press and confirm the transaction. Afterwards, press “Create keeper”.

  7. Afterwards, a keeper will be created, but not activated. Proceed to Installation Section and install the node software.

Node installation

Follow one of guides listed below based on the chosen method:


  • Start with a clean AMD-64 architecture distribution (the code is given for Ubuntu or Debian.

  • Install NodeJS, npm, Docker, and Docker-Compose

  • Navigate to a directory of your choice:

    cd /path/to/the/directory/of/your/choice
  • Clone the standalone repository and cd to it:

    git clone https://github.com/powerpool-finance/powerpool-agent-v2-compose
    cd powerpool-agent-v2-compose
  • Generate the worker keyfile:

    npm i

    Mind that the password will be specified in the config later on, so remember it.

  • Open the config file with a text editor of your choice. For the sake of an example, here we open it with nano

    nano config/main.yaml
  • Fill the file out according to the schema, substituting the variables where needed (numerical values can also be changed, if you so desire). Do not remove ‘’ (quotation marks).

Do not forget to replace ${variable_name} with actual variable.

  • [OPTIONAL] Change the name of the package if you want to run several instances of the PowerAgent on the same machine.

    version: "3.9"
            container_name: ${CONTAINER_NAME}
            image: powerpool/power-agent-node:latest
            restart: always
            - ./config:/usr/app/config 
            - ./keys:/usr/app/keys
                NODE_ENV: ${NODE_ENV}
  • Launch the node.

    docker compose up -d
    docker logs -f ${CONTAINER_NAME}

To get the ${CONTAINER_NAME}, execute docker ps and find the container id. If you changed the name of the container, use it instead.


In the folder with the docker-compose.yaml file run:

docker compose down --rmi local
docker compose pull
docker compose up -d


In the folder with the docker-compose.yaml file run:

docker compose down --rmi local

Afterwards, proceed to the keeper activaton section.

Example configs for standalone installation:

     - gnosis
      rpc: 'your_rpc_address'
      block_logs_mode: true
          data_source: subgraph
          subgraph_url: https://api.studio.thegraph.com/proxy/48711/ppav2-rd-gnosis-b12-ui/version/latest
          executor: pga
          keeper_worker_address: 'your_keeper_worker_address'
          key_pass: 'your_password'
          accrue_reward: false

đŸĨŗ This concludes the installation + configuration process. Good job! Now the keeper must be activated in order to be able to execute transactions.

Keeper activation

After installation, go back to the DApp, open “My Keepers” tab and expand the entry for your newly registered keeper.

The status of the keeper will be “Activating”. Next to it, locate the “Complete” button and confirm the transaction:

Verify that the keeper is active:

Managing Keepers

On the My Keepers tab you can see all your registered keepers; both active and inactive.

Click on the keeper entry to expand the detailed view:

  1. Summary tab.

    Here you can see the total number of your keepers, sum of all their CVP stakes and their total earnings in native token.

  2. Keeper stats tab.

    Here the key metrics of your keeper are presented: active and pending withdrawal CVP stake, number of jobs completed, and detailed balance.

  3. Control tab.

    On this tab you can stake or withdraw CVP for your keeper, as well as withdraw native token earnings.

Last updated

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