DAppNode Installation

Instructions here mostly restate the official installation guide.

Official installation guide can be found here.

DAppNode software is distributed in multiple ways.

One of them is a prepared Linux distribution with everything installed. It can be obtained here: https://docs.dappnode.io/docs/user/install/iso

In this instruction, we will install DAppNode via scripts on a fresh Debian distro.

The software has been proven to work on a virtual machine; however, we cannot officially recommend doing so, as your mileage may vary. Use virtual machines at your own responsibility and if you know what you do.

Install DAppNode Software

Now we are going to install a fresh distribution of Debian and DAppNode software on top of that.

  1. Obtain a dedicated machine which matches the minimal hardware requirements.

  2. Install Debian distribution from the official source, following their guide: Debian bullseye -- Installation Guide. The graphics interface is not needed and may be omitted. After the installation of DAppNode, you will (in ideal case) not need to directly access the host machine anymore.

  3. Configure a secure way of accessing your machine (e.g., via SSH). You will need the full (root) control over it during the DAppNode installation and in case of troubleshooting.

  4. Install the required packages:

sudo wget -O - https://prerequisites.dappnode.io | sudo bash
  1. Install the DAppNode software:

sudo wget -O - https://installer.dappnode.io | sudo bash
  1. After installation, reboot the machine:

shutdown -r now
  1. When the machine boots up, access it again and execute:

source /usr/src/dappnode/DNCORE/.dappnode_profile

Access the DAppNode Admin Panel

After the successful installation, you have to connect to your DAppNode and change the credentials for access. If your machine is equipped with a WiFi adapter, follow the guide by DAppNode team. We would recommend employing Wireguard VPN for access configuration. How to do this:

  1. Execute:


And see the listed DAppNode system packages. Find one with “...wireguardâ€Ļ” in the package name. It should be up and running.

  1. Execute:


There you will see the credentials for the Wireguard connection in the following format:

Copy these in any way you prefer.

If you plan on connecting to the DAppNode through your home (local) network (for example, your server is connected to the router via Ethernet cable and your personal laptop is connected via Wi-Fi to the same router), you must either:

  • enable NAT loopback on your router,

  • OR execute command with the --local parameter:

dappnode_wireguard --local

  1. Install Wireguard client on your personal computer.

  2. Create a new tunnel and paste the credentials you copied earlier. Save and activate the tunnel.

  1. Now, on your personal computer, follow http://my.dappnode. If everything was done correctly, you will be greeted with the welcome screen, where you can perform initial setup (for example, change your user credentials and turn on/off certain ways of accessing the admin panel).

Congratulations, the DAppNode installation is complete 🙂.

PowerAgent is a decentralized application that connects to the execution client (either locally or remotely). It subscribes and listens to blockchain events via WebSockets RPC.

On DAppNode, you will need a node (both execution and consensus clients of the chosen network) that PowerAgent can connect to. Let’s install them now.

Install Execution and Consensus Clients

Sepolia (Testnet)

The Prysm Sepolia consensus client and Sepolia Geth execution client can be found in the DAppStore by the following links:

Follow these links to install the packages.

After installation, they will start synchronization (catching up to the latest block from a sync point). It may take some time, the progress can be tracked on the Dashboard page of your DAppNode interface.

Gnosis (Testnet)

As of 21.10.2023 there is no stable Execution-Consensus client pair for DAppNode to provite reliable results. The Nethermind package is known to have issues with JSON formatting. This issue has been escalated to the DAppNode team. Use a standalone Execution-Consensus clinet pair of your choice.

Last updated